Wenxi Du

Where is it?

Nanchang, China

What is it?

Space under bridge

Who did it?

Local residents

What purpose does it fulfil?

Vending, trading and parking

What rules does it break (if any)?

Opponents to the city tax regulation and bring serious workers from public spaces.

Can it/should it be integrated into the formal framework?

The public’s desire for using this space is growing.

How can the city accommodate informal initiatives?

Reorganize based on the formation mechanism, spatial characteristics, elements, functional requirements.

Does it belong to any "family" of informalities?

I don’t think it is belonging to family informalities

Are there any examples of similar informal interventions in different contexts?

Yes, elevated road as a product of urban development and urbanization process has already started in existence for several decades. Mumbai is an example to use the space under flyovers.

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