Jennifer Wang

Where is it?

Harbin, China

What is it?

building informality and informal grocery temporary pavilion

Who did it?

institute and citizen

What purpose does it fulfill

to provide convenience for students and staffs

What rules does it break (if any)?

ignore the codes in master planning, take up public space without permit

Can it/should it be integrated into the formal framework?

No, without the permission to take up public space is unreasonable, ignore the code for plan will bring extra burden to environment and bring negative effect on surrounding neighborhood

How can the city accommodate informal initiatives?

urban design could solve, provide interactive public space for multi-use, periodically

Does it belong to any "family" of informalities?

it belongs to people, place and culture. For it is based on social, public community and people living.

Are there example of similar informal interventions in different contexts?

yes, in extreme cold places, the temporary construction is normal, under the condition of six-month winter annually, the construction period is shorter than other cities. Besides, the water body is also special in the extreme weather places, informal recreation is also normal here.

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