Gary Lee

Where is it?

Taipei Taiwan

What is it?

Add-on structures on rooftops

Who did it?

People who are living on the top floor apartment unit.

What purpose does it fulfil?

To maximize the usable space in their apartment

What rules does it break (if any)?

It breaks the regulation of building a structure without proper application and fire safety code review.

Can it/should it be integrated into the formal framework?

It should be reviewed and modified to meet the safety requirements for egress and fire safety

How can the city accommodate informal initiatives?

The city could review the add-on structures and encourage them to meet the safety code requirements to allow this kind of informalities exist while making sure it meets up with the code

Does it belong to any "family" of informalities?

Yes, it’s an informal type of building construction that is not properly designed and reviewed but built as a way to solve the owner’s needs

Are there any examples of similar informal interventions in different contexts?

Yes, this kind of informal building structure happens around in many Asian cities where they are means to quickly solve housing needs in the urban areas.

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