Kia Saint-Louis

Where is it?

Sebastopol, CA  - Ragle Ranch Park

What is it?

A series of unofficial pathways specifically cut out to create informal access to a creek and allow for personal choice

Who did it?


What purpose does it fulfil?

Providing increased access to nature through nature

What rules does it break (if any)?

By deviating of the established path there are some private property concerns

Can it/should it be integrated into the formal framework?

I most definitely can be integrated into the formal framework but I think that would be a mistake. The strength in its presence is that it becomes an unstructured experience within the formal trail. It also is free to move with the seasons, there are not rules dictating where the cut throughs are, it can a yearly adventure to find them.

How can the city accommodate informal initiatives?

I don't know enough about the city to encourage it to accommodate  more informal activities but I do know with restaurants and COVID-19 the city has been incredibly amenable to restaurants expanding in parking lots and street corners.

Are there any examples of similar informal interventions in different contexts?

When in comes to access to nature most interventions start off as informal and become more formalized/accepted. As a result there are numerous examples of similar interventions that encourage free movement in nature - we just have to follow the footsteps. `

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